dijous, 12 de novembre del 2015

Noël Blanc

Oh! quand j'entends chanter Noël
J'aime revoir mes joies d'enfant
Le sapin scintillant, la neige d'argent
Noël mon beau rêve blanc
Oh! quand j'entends chanter Noël
J'aime revoir mes joies d'enfant

Oh! quand j'entends sonner au ciel
L'heure où le bon vieillard descend
Je revois tes yeux clairs, Maman
Et je songe à d'autres Noëls blancs
Je revois tes yeux clairs, Maman
Et je songe à d'autres Noëls blancs
Oh! quand j'entends sonner au ciel
L'heure où le bon vieillard descend
Je revois tes yeux clairs, Maman
Et je songe à d'autres Noëls blancs
Oh! quand j'entends sonner au ciel
L'heure où le bon vieillard descend
Je revois tes yeux clairs, Maman
Et je songe à d'autres Noëls blancs
Et je songe à d'autres Noëls blancs

Frosty the Snowman

Frosty the Snowman, was a jolly happy soul,
With a corn cob pipe and a button nose,
and two eyes made of coal.

Frosty the Snowman, knew the sun was hot that day,
so he said, "Let's run, and we'll have some fun now,
before I melt away."
Frosty the Snowman, is a fairytale, they say.
He was made of snow,
but the children know
how he came to life one day.

Down to the village, with a broomstick in his hand,
Running here and there, all around the square,
sayin', "Catch me if you can."
There must have been some magic in
that old silk hat they found,

For when they placed it on his head,
he began to dance around!

He led them down the streets of town, right to the traffic cop;

and only paused a moment, when he heard him holler, "Stop!"
Oh, Frosty, the Snowman, was alive as he could be;
and the children say he could laugh and play,
just the same as you and me.

For Frosty, the Snowman, had to hurry on his way,
But he waved goodbye,
sayin' "Don't you cry, I'll be back again some day."
Thumpety thump, thump, thumpety thump, thump,
look at Frosty go.

Thumpety thump, thump, thumpety thump, thump,
over the hills and snow.
Thumpety thump, thump, thumpety thump, thump,
look at Frosty go.

Thumpety thump, thump, thumpety thump, thump,
over the hills and snow.

dimarts, 10 de novembre del 2015




The students from the 5th and 6th class have been painting a picture.
The topic: Autumn inspiration.
There is an exhibition in the school hall.

L'alumnat de 5è i 6è de l'escola han fet un quadre.
El tema: Inspiració de tardor.
Hi ha una exposició al vestíbul de l'escola.

During this term, we have been creating some crafts for HALLOWEEN.

Aquest trimestre també s'han creat algunes manualitats per la festa de HALLOWEEN.